Oakfields weather

 Latitude N 51° 29' 16"    Longitude W 01° 29' 00"    Elevation 140 m

Dawn: 05:49 Sunrise: 06:23 Moonrise: 19:09 Moon
Dusk: 20:20 Sunset:  19:45 Moonset: 03:57
Daylight: 14:31 Day length: 13:22 Moon Phase: Waxing Gibbous

Location: Oakfields, East Garston, Hungerford, Berkshire, UK.

This information from our Davis Vantage Vue weatherstation is normally updated every 15 minutes during daytime.

Click on the links at the bottom of the page for further information. The trends page shows graphs of recent weather.

Forecast: Increasing clouds with little temperature change.

Conditions at local time 13:30 on 04 September 2017
Temperature and Humidity
Temperature 20.3 °C Dew Point 18.6 °C
Windchill 20.3 °C Humidity 90%
Heat Index 20.3 °C Apparent Temperature 23.0 °C
Rainfall Today 287.0 mm Rainfall Rate 0.0 mm/hr
Rainfall This Month 292.4 mm Rainfall This Year (since 25/2/15) 552.0 mm
Rainfall Last Hour 0.0 mm Last rainfall 2017-09-04 10:45
Wind Speed (gust) 3.2 km/h Wind Speed (avg) 1.6 km/h
Wind Bearing 225° SW Beaufort F1 Light air
Barometer  1011.86 mb Rising 0.25 mb/hr
:now::gauges::today::yesterday::this month::this year::records::monthly records::trends:

Page updated 04/09/2017 13:30:00
powered by Cumulus v1.9.3 (1059)